
Home > UV printing
  • Material: plexiglass (acrylic)

    Material: plexiglass (acrylic) Ink: UV ink (original import, CE / environmental certification) Precision: 1440DPI Features: 1. There is no limit of quantity, and the production is flexible and convenient. 2, there is no need to play the version, the production cycle is short, the delivery is fast. 3, no color limit, arbitrary gradient color, arbitrary complex pattern can be printed; 4, ink environmental protection, up to the export standards. 5. Using white ink printing technology, we can make single face, double face, and semitransparent And a variety of creative effects. [View Details]
  • Material: plastic (shell of electronic product of mobile phone)

    Material: plastic (shell of electronic product of mobile phone) Ink: UV ink (original import, CE / environmental certification) Precision: 1440DPI Features: 1. There is no limit of quantity, and the production is flexible and convenient. 2, there is no need to play the version, the production cycle is short, the delivery is fast. 3, no color limit, arbitrary gradient color, arbitrary complex pattern can be printed; 4, ink environmental protection, up to the export standards. 5. Using white ink printing technology, we can make single face, double face, and semitransparent And a variety of creative effects. [View Details]
  • Material: metal (stainless steel sheet)

    Material: metal (stainless steel sheet) Ink: UV ink (original import, CE / environmental certification) Precision: 1440DPI Features: 1. There is no limit of quantity, and the production is flexible and convenient. 2, there is no need to play the version, the production cycle is short, the delivery is fast. 3, no color limit, arbitrary gradient color, arbitrary complex pattern can be printed; 4, ink environmental protection, up to the export standards. 5. Using white ink printing technology, we can make single face, double face, and semitransparent And a variety of creative effects. [View Details]
  • Material: Wood (the board density plate in the original wood board)

    Material: Wood (the board density plate in the original wood board) Ink: UV ink (original import, CE / environmental certification) Precision: 1440DPI Features: 1. There is no limit of quantity, and the production is flexible and convenient. 2, there is no need to play the version, the production cycle is short, the delivery is fast. 3, no color limit, arbitrary gradient color, arbitrary complex pattern can be printed; 4, ink environmental protection, up to the export standards. 5. Using white ink printing technology, we can make single face, double face, and semitransparent And a variety of creative effects. [View Details]


  • Contact Person:

    lee li
  • Tel:

    +86 135 3751 0160
  • Fax:

    +86 755 28790685
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